Today we look at Lords Mobile for our valuable followers. While you’re leaning back, we’ll start telling Lords Mobile. Lords Mobile is a real-time strategy game that is quite rich in detail. Moreover, you can easily play Lords Mobile on Android with the Android emulator Bluestacks 4. Thus, your enjoyment of the game will not be interrupted!
We are entering our game and after a small cinematic section of the tutorial tells us what is what is what. After the tutorial section, we stay alone with our village and start studying.

From the outlines of our village, we can say that Lords Mobile is quite successful in terms of graphics. There are general elements in this kind of strategy games such as our own castle, hospital, barracks and watchtower. The higher the level of the buildings inside our village, the higher the advantages that will be provided to us. However, after reaching a certain point, we cannot raise other tools without raising the castle level. As you raise your item, the amount of supplies will increase.
Dark clouds over some areas of the game are wandering around .. Create your army to open the locks and get them. After defeating your enemies, the clouds are scattered over those areas and they open up areas for you to create new buildings. After opening our first area, we have room for buildings where we can create raw materials.
Here you can increase your raw materials by creating the Timber Factory, Farm, Quarry and Mines. In our second region, you can create Academy, War Palace, Embassy, Trade Center, Prison and Altar. We have opened three sections so far and in the third section, we open up areas for us to do in Castles, Barracks and Sick Bay. This way you can create areas that will contribute to your development by breaking the locks of the regions.
From the moment the game starts to give you some tasks. By doing these tasks you can level up very quickly. In this way, you can upgrade more with the materials you will get from the tasks, you can train soldiers, you can increase your production by doing research. When you click on the exclamation point at the bottom of your screen you will see the Task menu. In this section, the Land Tasks in the upper left section is the part of the tasks that you want to upgrade your buildings, do research or produce soldiers in your village. The executive tasks are the tasks that the game determines within itself. You want to lead, to take out the diamond or to make an instrument.
There are also Guild Tasks and VIP Tasks section in the Tasks section. You can start performing guild missions when you join any guild. VIP quests are the tasks that you can buy with the rise of the VIP section of the image at the top left of the main screen of the game. As you increase your VIP level, you can open the chests and earn valuable gifts. After finishing a period of administrative tasks, new tasks come.
When you click on the statue in the middle of your village, you are coming to a place called Hero’s Attack. You can increase the level of your character by going through the steps here and you can win new heroes in your battles. As you continue the offensive with the heroes you take with you, the level of the heroes and you will increase and become stronger. At the end of the episodes, you can dress the items in the falling chests to your character if they cut the bosses, and you can increase your hero’s rank when you fill the items in all the slots.